Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Banana #1 Lani

Current Total: 150.71 (or 139.71, depending on how you look at it)
Last Updated: 17 August 2010

I saw Elise's post and seriously considered jogging around our block for the next hour and a half.  But, I decided the payback I'd get tomorrow just would not be worth it.  I'm no good at being tired anymore, must be getting old or something.  Way to go Elise!  I'm impressed that you found the time for all of that I think I might take the "Most Pedestrian Miles". I'll find out tomorrow, I'm not waiting up to see what Robin posts this week.

Blast!!! I just saw Mom's ammendment to the rules again that allowed all forms of exercise to be included. I've missed out on counting over 2 hours of DVD workouts every week! I counted what I've done since last Tuesday.  (3 30+ minute circuits with weights, 2 miles each; 1 Burn Intervals (half intense cardio/half 'easy' resistance) 45 minutes, 4.5 miles; 1 Ab workout 10 minutes, 0.5 miles = 11 miles from DVDs).  Oh well, if Mom's ammendment was not actually made law, then I only have 139.71 for my final total. Maybe a push-ups challenge next?  just kidding, I still do most of my push-ups on my knees.  But, I really like ChaLEAN extreme, even better than p90x!

Or maybe a "most exercise miles in front of 'Psych'" challenge?  (If we ever find a decent bike on Craigslist.)  Maybe we could allow exercise miles completed in front of other TV or movies, maybe. ;)

Congratulations Elise! (assuming Robin hasn't done some crazy miles), you earned it. :)


  1. Running and walking (tradmill okay), but I don't think elliptical (I'm just not sure how to compare it with miles ran or walked), but i'll go with whatever the majority want to do so if you want it send just reply to my original email and get a vote

  2. They are cool...they can go in fridge, freezer, oven and microwave (but not on the stove). I've done peach cobler and individual brownies w/ ice cream and toppings on them so far.

    I'm on ichat pretty much all day so just shoot me an im or email and we'll jump on skype whenever.

  3. Hey Lani, how did you get your post to move up to the current page?

  4. When you edit a post (or make a new post), there's a blue font "post options" on the lower left. If you click on that you can change the date and time of the post. You can even set it to a future date. One of my friends uses this feature for birthday posts on her blog.
